Does this require name change in ticket?


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Hello to everyone.


I am new to the forum, I live in India and a friend told me about this forum. I am a student and will be making my first international trip travelling to the U.S. for the spring semester.


I got my tickets purchased couple of weeks ago, but only this week did I realize the name on the ticket not being the same as in my passport/visa/I-20.


I wanted the name on the ticket be changed as in my records, but the booking office told me that I need to cancel and have another ticket issued, since the airline does not allow name changes like the way I require. Cancel and rebook will cost me another 40K in my currency. 


The name in passport is Guhan (given name) Vikram Raja (surname). The name that is on my ticket is Raja/Guhan Vikram. Does the name on ticket need to be Vikram Raja/Guhan? Will there be any issues for me to travel on the current ticket with my name as it is? Would you please advice.


Thank you all very much,



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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for my late update. I asked the airline and upon their insistence that the name needed to be EXACT (especially since it was to the U.S. and my first international trip) I cancelled and rebooked losing a lot of money in the process :(


I got here without issues last week and in college. Wish me luck henceforth. Thank you

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