H4 to H1B Change of Status


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Hi, I am in USA on H4 Visa and filed my H1B in April 2014 which got approved. I have following Queries and would appreciate if someone can guide me..



1. Is my H1B active from 1st Oct 2014 onwards or do I need to fill any forms to notify USCIS or Govt to get my status changed fro H4 to H1B?


2- What all things I need to keep in mind to maintain my H1B Status?


3- Can I apply for SSN now and what all documents are required for the same?


4- Till I apply for SSN or notify govt my Status is still H4 as USCIS govt website still shows my old I94 Number which was issued to me when i first entered US on H4 Visa.


5- I was told that I can remain on H4 Status for around 6 months and can move to H1B anytime whereas I believe that its not logical as I need to maintain H1B status now as its been approved. Can someone guide me on this?


6- Someone told me that your H1B is already approved and I am on H1B visa now and I get a max grace period of 45 days to maintain my status by getting my payrol run within this time period else I will be out of status.. Is that true?



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