221G for H-1B Stamping at Ottawa


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Hello all,

I went for my visa interview at the Ottawa Consulate this morning and I was given the blue 221G slip. I would like to clarify that I do NOT work in the IT Industry, NOR do I work for a consultant/contractor etc. I have an MS in ChemE and I work for a manufacturing company as a Quality Engineer and I am directly employed by the company.  I always have been in manufacturing.

I had visited the same consulate in 2015 for my first visa stamp (with a previous employer) without any issues at all. Heck, my husband, holding a similar position with similar background in a different manufacturing company, came to Ottawa for his stamping in Nov 2016, and got it done without any issues.

Basically, I provided all documents requested. VO asked if I worked for a 'client' and if I worked for the 'programming side' for my company, for both I gave clarification. She then asked for my resume, which I provided along with a recommendation letter from my HR certifying my employment with the company and requesting that I am granted visa to be readmitted in the country. VO reviewed everything, handed me the dreaded blue form and stated that I need to submit an electronic copy of my CV for further review - via email. My passport and all other original documents were returned to me. That was it. 

Here are my questions:

1. I understand this is pretty common with the IT Industry which has the additional layer of client/consultant etc. Anyone in manufacturing who went through similar experience? If yes, what was your processing time?

2. In the past, I have traveled to Canada and Mexico on vacation with an expired H-1B visa but original I-797 with date of extension under the 'Automatic Revalidation' rule. I have been able to re-enter the US without any issues at immigration. Can I re-enter the country under this rule, at this time? I would prefer to do the waiting in the US, while I am able to go to work. Since I work in Manufacturing, there is not much work I can do remotely. 

3. If the answer to #2 is yes, when I receive the email from the Consulate approving my visa, do I just mail the passport and wait for it to be shipped back to me?


Thank you for your time and patience. 






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Sorry about your situation and 221g. I hope it will clarify soon and you will get approval.


#2 : I think you can not enter under AVR (Automatic Revalidation Rule) since you have applied for VISA.  Until outcome of this visa, you can not enter USA.   Basically you can't undo VISA application.

I am not sure applying for VISA under H4 may help you to enter. But I guess, you still need to wait for your existing visa outcome and then apply for different visa.   -  I think attorney can answer this in more detail.


I am not lawyer. But lately I researched on AVR (not used ever though) and that's my understanding.

Please keep us posted about your experience.  Good luck.

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Thank you, Vips1982. Very frustrated with the uncertainty in timeline. 

I have emailed my resume - which is about the only document they asked. They only asked to send the document via email. I was exploring the CEAC website and under my profile, there is a 'Follow Up Request' section. I sent a note through this section urging them to expedite my application and I received a system-generated email with instructions on how to send the requested documents via mail. 

I should simply ignore this email - correct? As I have already submitted my documents via e-mail as per their verbal instruction? 


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1 hour ago, manufacturingirl said:

Also @Vips1982 - applying under H4 for reentry? Why do you recommend that? I won't be able to resume work under H4, would I? Not to mention the whole hassle of getting back to H1 status? 

I replied on your concern and urgency based on to re-enter.   It's technical answer.  

Of course, you can't work on H4 unless you apply for H4 EAD (through your spouse's I-140). 

I know it can be very frustrating while you're waiting for visa in another third country. I was considering to visit Mexico to get visa.  But seeing lot of 221g is a concern.   I think 221g is concern in India as well.   

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49 minutes ago, Vips1982 said:

I replied on your concern and urgency based on to re-enter.   It's technical answer.  

Of course, you can't work on H4 unless you apply for H4 EAD (through your spouse's I-140). 

I know it can be very frustrating while you're waiting for visa in another third country. I was considering to visit Mexico to get visa.  But seeing lot of 221g is a concern.   I think 221g is concern in India as well.   

OK now it makes sense. My urgency to re-enter the US was to resume my job responsibility only and I am not planning to jeopardize anything that would affect that. 

I am hearing that 221G is an issue everywhere these days but the processing times are relatively faster in Canada (few weeks) compared to India - few months. Of course, you have the advantage of staying with your family during this time, if you are in India. 

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Hello all...i am in the same boat. Went for H1B visa interview today morning at Ottawa and got 221g issued.
The interviewer asked for client letter and checked something. She said they need to further review my case and will let me know by email.

I am working for a big airlines client in Dallas, TX and now stuck in Ottawa. Working remotely from hotel room.
Not sure how long i need to wait for a email from them.

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On 4/5/2017 at 0:20 PM, DT15 said:

Helo manufacturing Girl.

We are in the same boat. i work for manufaturing as well. Interview was yesterday(4th).

Asked for resume, gave 221G and passports back.

Dilema begins here...


Can you please give me your contact number my wife is also facing same issue. She had visa interview on 22nd march 2017 

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On 4/5/2017 at 0:05 PM, manufacturingirl said:

OK now it makes sense. My urgency to re-enter the US was to resume my job responsibility only and I am not planning to jeopardize anything that would affect that. 

I am hearing that 221G is an issue everywhere these days but the processing times are relatively faster in Canada (few weeks) compared to India - few months. Of course, you have the advantage of staying with your family during this time, if you are in India. 

Hi, I had a interview at Ottawa on 22nd March they took my passport then they email me for my W2 I send them, next week they told me to send my 2016 pay stub I send them last week they again ask for my bank statement for 2016 I send them, now last week Friday they didn't answer Canada post email me and they send my passport back I m stuck in Canada, it's hard I don't know what they going to do, why they send my passport back I m worried there is no reply from them, if you have any idea please let me know 

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I am in same boat. Interview on 18th Apr. got 221g Blue slip for new photo. Submitted same day. and now waiting..

Has anyone cleared the Administrative processing ? How much is the general wait ? 

I am stuck here now with family and kids are missing school :-(

In IT company and full time employee. 




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On 4/9/2017 at 7:08 PM, Jack21 said:

Can you please give me your contact number my wife is also facing same issue. She had visa interview on 22nd march 2017 

Sory Man Jack21 . Actually I forgot my password. Just got it reset and I am back.

No updates yet on my case. I am with family staying in Ottawa. And expecting something next week.

Do you have any updates..?


And Leo_nj; Sorry to hear.. Looks like these caes typically takes 14 Business days on an average.

But each case is different.


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