Proof of evidence for multi layered job model?


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hello experts,

I am planning to take vacation and do H1-B visa stamping. This is my first time going for visa stamping (extension) as well as with multi layered job model. I have End Client's letter, Vendor letter and employer's letter to support this model. Here is the detail:

1. Employer letter - this letter mentions about my actual employment with them and all pay, benefits, reporting etc are also described. it also mention about the End Client and that I physically work there. But no information about Vendor company name which actually have this contract with end Client.

2. Vendor letter - this letter clearly mentions everything (jobs responsibilities, my employer name, Client name, my work location at client's place, reporting structures)

3. Client Letter - this letter mentions about my job duties (similar to all the above letters), physical work location address at their site, Vendor name. It does not mention my employer name but has a remark saying that all control to employee is with his employer.

Please let me know if you see any gap in establishing the relation or job contract between my employer, Vendor and the Client. Do you think, these documents will work well for these type of layered jobs model.


Thanks in advance!

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