Urgent Advice Needed: Client Change After H1B petition approval


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Hey all,

So, I've run into an issue recently & I'm trying to figure out what my best options are given the circumstances. So essentially, I work for a consulting company (E-C Employer-Client model). I applied for my H1B through them (Regular Processing/ Non Advanced Degree) and recently received notice that my petition was picked up in the lottery. Unfortunately, I also received some not so great news today. My client has decided not to renew our existing work engagement/contract. Essentially, the way it works for us is we have a rolling contract that is basically evaluated every 6 months by the client who then chooses to either renew/end the engagement. Now, the issue for me obviously is that my H1-B process sort of hangs in the balance. Given that I applied through regular processing, I don't expect to find out about whether my application is approved or whether I get an RFE or something like that before my current work engagement ends (a month from now, so about the middle of June). At this point, what are my different options in order to ensure that I'm able to get my H1-B visa? Do I switch clients and just hope I don't get an RFE and then wait for an approval & maybe then look into an H1 amendment. Should I try to attempt to maybe transfer to a different team within my current client, although that is unlikely. What else should I consider? Is there any smooth way out of this?

Thanks, really appreciate any advice!

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