H1b Rfe and new petition from different employer


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Thanks for your time and help.


I was approved H1b in 2014 through employer A without an RFE, transferred to employer B, approved without an RFE and got visa stamped which is valid through Oct 2017 but, employer B laid off with 45 days notice, got full time employment through employer C but case was filed in regular process since premium was on hold during filling, received an RFE after 6 months, RFE responded but case was denied due to employer-employee relationships and job responsibilities not matching degree, also petitions of employer A and B are revoked. employer C filed another fresh petition by avoiding flaws and detailed explanation of job responsibilities, but now again received RFE for employer- employee relationship. since I felt there is a documentation issue with employer C, I contacted employer A and explained my case they re-hired me and filed H1b petition. Ironically both RFE response from employer C and new petition from employer A was sent on same day to Vermont processing center.


1. does each petition is independent or interlinked  

2. does sending RFE response and a new petition has any negative effects.

3. As I travelled to India, during my transfer I didn't turn back after denial, so if either of the case gets approved do I need to attend Visa interview or the visa which is through employer B is still valid.



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