Help to legally recover $15,000 personal loan given to a friend


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I would like to get some legal advise.Any help is appreciated.


I gave one of my friend $15,000 as a personal loan for 3 months.

I wrote a check on her name and wrote personal loan in subject line.

My friend in return gave me a bank check with the same amount dated after 3 months.

Additionally, my friend gave a notarized statement in writing that she has taken a personal loan of $15,000 from me in Oct 2015 and will return back in Jan 2016.

However, now 3 months have passed and I have been asking money from her for last 2 months. My friend is coming with different excuses and not willing to pay the loan back. I have not deposited the check yet as she does not have funds in her account.


Please advise how I can legally get my money back.

Can I file a Police complaint?

What are the procedures I can follow?


I am Permanent Resident in the Country.


Thank you. Appreciate any legal advise.



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