b2 visitor visa re-entry


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What is the time frame for the visitor visa to stay in India before coming back to USA?


My mom stayed in USA(2nd time) for almost 6 months and left India on Jan 19th 2015. We are planning to bring her back to USA  on Feb 23 2015. Will there be any obligations if she comes back this soon? What are the conditions for reentry?

Thanks for any help.

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She needs to stay at home more than in the US. The rule of thumb is to be at least twice as long abroad than in the US. In this case, she should be at home for at least a year before visiting the US again.

If she travels too soon, she risks being denied entry.

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Thanks for your replies guys. Do we have any rule or a document that states this information or is it a general assumption based on the trend?


The written rule is that a person applying for entry to the US is assumed to have immigration intent unless the person can convince the officer at the POE otherwise.

There is no trend, it has always been the case that applying for entry soon after leaving is considered a sign of immigration intent. As I said above: "The rule of thumb is to be at least twice as long abroad than in the US. In this case, she should be at home for at least a year before visiting the US again."

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