H1 to H4 and H4 to H1 without Paystubs


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My spouse who was on H4, converted to H1B recently starting from this October 1st 2014. But now as she didn't get a job so far, their employer suggesting to revoke her H1B to convert back to H4 so that whenever she gets a job, they can apply for H1 B and bring her back to H1 B status.


Help me with these..


1. So what are the risks involved in this process ( H1 - H4  - H1 )  ?

2. Is this process even possible without having Paystubs as the employer is not running payroll yet ? 


They are saying it is better to go back to H4 as soon as possible.


Thanks a lot for your help !!


I apologize if this post is repeated.




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She HAS a job, with the employer. She needs to get paid, even if the employer doesn't have a project for her.

That's the law, and the employer knows it.

Without getting paid, a COS to H4 is not possible.

If the employer doesn't want to pay her, she needs to file a complaint with DOL on form WH4.

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Thank you so much for the replies..

Filing complaint is a big step.. do I have any other alternatives ? Looks like it's risky to do COS to H4 without Paystubs.. is it better to have couple of paystubs genrated and then do COS to H4 ?

Thanks again !


Filing a complaint is easy.

Faking pay stubs is a felony, and would result in lots and lots of problems, up to deportation. Don't even think of doing something like that.

File a complaint with DOL on form WH4!

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Thank you so much for the replies..


Filing complaint is a big step.. do I have any other alternatives ? Looks like it's risky to do COS to H4 without Paystubs.. is it better to have couple of paystubs genrated and then do COS to H4 ?


Thanks again  !




Filing a complaint is simple. Generation of fake pay stubs is a crime.

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Thank you so much for the replies..


Filing complaint is a big step.. do I have any other alternatives ? Looks like it's risky to do COS to H4 without Paystubs.. is it better to have couple of paystubs genrated and then do COS to H4 ?


Thanks again  !




Why its a big step to file a complaint??

Generating fake pay stubs is ILLEGAL, that leads to ban. Are you willing take that risk??


What's the deal in filing a complaint??

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