Converting AOS to CP for family members only


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Hi Officer,


My case is employment based GC with PD April 2004.

Is it possible to to change from AOS to CP for wife and kid and let them stay in India and myself travelling alone to India and USA till I get the GC in the same way of AOS?


If so what is the procedure to be followed and complexity involved and can Murthy Law firm take this case in chaing from AOS to CP India for dependents only and how much is the attorney fees for this porting?


And currently my wife and kid are in India with EAD and AP.


Thank you,


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It is possible to process the primary as adjustment of status, and the dependants as CP. The dependants will not be able to move forward with their CP cases until the primary is approved, but, it is possible to take some of the initial steps. We could advise regarding this matter and help with all the details.

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