Do I need to get a secondary concurrent part-time H1B visa stamped?


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I am currently working full-time for a company A on their H1B. I have an offer from another company (Company B) to work part-time (8-16 hrs/week) for them and they are willing to file an H1B application for the part-time work. My questions are


1. Does Company A needs to make any changes to their petition, given that I would continue to work full time for them?

2. I don't have the visas stamped for both the companies right now. When I go for stamping next time, can I chose one of the visas to be stamped or do I need to get both the visas stamped?



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I am currently working full-time for a company A on their H1B. I have an offer from another company (Company B) to work part-time (8-16 hrs/week) for them and they are willing to file an H1B application for the part-time work. My questions are


1. Does Company A needs to make any changes to their petition, given that I would continue to work full time for them?

2. I don't have the visas stamped for both the companies right now. When I go for stamping next time, can I chose one of the visas to be stamped or do I need to get both the visas stamped?




Company B can file a concurrent H1 for part time work.

But, company contracts nowadays often prohibit side jobs without written approval by the employer. So, make sure company A is ok with the sidejob, otherwise, when they find out, they may fire you for cause.


As for visas, you only always have one visa of a category max. The H1 petitions determine who you work for.

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