Travel to US on B2 or H4


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My L1A Individual is getting processed, but not sure when I will be going to US since the actual start date of the projects is not finalized yet. My husband works in US and has H1B petition approved,although not stamped. I have B2 visa.


Can I travel to US now OR travel as soon as I know L1A Individual petition is approved on B2 and stay with my husband until the L1A projects start date. Then do a COS from B2 to L1A.


Is it ok to travel on existing B2 or should I get a H4 visa for travel and then do a COS from H4 to L1A in US.


Is it even possible to do B2 to L1A or H4 or L1A without leaving the US.

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My L1A Individual is getting processed, but not sure when I will be going to US since the actual start date of the projects is not finalized yet. My husband works in US and has H1B petition approved,although not stamped. I have B2 visa.
Can I travel to US now OR travel as soon as I know L1A Individual petition is approved on B2 and stay with my husband until the L1A projects start date. Then do a COS from B2 to L1A.
Is it ok to travel on existing B2 or should I get a H4 visa for travel and then do a COS from H4 to L1A in US.
Is it even possible to do B2 to L1A or H4 or L1A without leaving the US.


It is better for you to travel with a H4 visa. COS to L1A has to be done by employer and not by you. 

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Thanks jairichi


If it is legal for the employer to do the H4 COS to L1A without the beneficiary leaving the US, is there any reason why the employer would ask to get the L1A stamping and re-enter.

Yes, it is completely legal for an employer to file a change of status from H4 to L1A. Only if the L1A petition gets approved and COS denied then you would need to exit and enter with a valid L1 visa to be on L1A status and work.

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