Applied for h1b and l1 assignment going to end in July 2014


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Currently I am working on L1 visa with company A and company B is filing new H1b now.My L1 work assignment may end in July 2014.

My question is:

If my H1 visa is picked in lottery and pending for decision or approved by July 2014,can I continue to stay in here or need to leave home country and come back after October 1st with a valid stamp.

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Currently I am working on L1 visa with company A and company B is filing new H1b now.My L1 work assignment may end in July 2014.

My question is:

If my H1 visa is picked in lottery and pending for decision or approved by July 2014,can I continue to stay in here or need to leave home country and come back after October 1st with a valid stamp.

You need to leave the country and enter with a valid H1B visa 10 days before H1B start date.

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