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I would greatly appriciate answer of my question and in timely manner because the time is very crusial for the suffering family.

What if in F4 category when Sister had petition for a brother and his family 14 years ago. Finally, the petition was approved then brother with whole family got the Visa to come to US. Airline Tickets are bought, bags are packed Greencard fees are paid n now when just 15 days are left to leave priciple Beneficiary dies(brother). Can the derivative beneficiary(brothers' family)still come? Is there any law that can cover them on humanitarian grounds. Life savings are now spent and they will be devastated if they cant make it. Please someone answer.. Help ...They are supposed to be here end of Jan 2014. Any paperwork will help them?thank you..

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There are provisions for survivors benefits under the immigration laws, regulations, and rules.  However, I am not familiar with the exact circumstances, provisions, etc. for when and how they apply.


As pontevecchio posted, you need to consult with a qualified, experienced immigration attorney like those found in the Murthy Law Firm that hosts this Internet forum.

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