Can I work for two jobs on OPT


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Hi ,


I am on OPT and I want to know If I can work for two jobs.. which are related to my field? Can I work for 80 hours a week, is it fine ? and is it fine If I work with two employers? Can this OPT be used same as Green Card EAD ? and Can I have two payrolls run simultaneously by two employers ? 


Response is appreciated on this..





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There is no such 40 hour limit. You can work for any amount of time. But both jobs must be in field of study and both jobs must be reported to the school's DSO.


Also, both employers should be fine with you working multiple jobs. This is not an OPT requirement, but many companies have policies about this.

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It is pretty much impossible to work 80 hours/week on the level we are talking here.

This is not burger flipping, after all.

And, as already has been said, most employers would require written approval to do a side job. The employer wants your full attention, they don't want you sleeping on the job because you just came from another job. They don't want you produce bad work just because you are mentally exhausted from another job. They also don't want you to work for a competitor.

So, bottom line, forget it.

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