I-94 Expiration during H1B Transfer


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Due to my old passport expiry date, my I-94 is expiring on 28th Nov, . My H1B Visa is valid till Sep'2015. I have got my passport renewed now.


I plan to travel to Canada for a weekend trip and return back so that I could get a new I-94. 


I work for Company A that holds my H1B and now been offered by Company B to transfer my H1B. Company B had filled for LCA and upon approval will be filling for H1B , hopefully sometime before 28th Nov.


In case, if Company B files for H1B before my I-94 Expiry date, do I still need to travel to Canada to get a new I-94 or will the extension for existing I-94 be applied by default along with H1B filling ?


Any suggestions on this will be greatly appreciated

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If your H1 Petition is filed before the I94 expires you can stay till they decide.


Hello Pontevecchio,


Thanks for your response. 

Could you also tell me whether I should ask my employer for any confirmation letter or receipt that extension for I-94 has been applied ? . 

I ask this coz I guess usually it takes 3-4 months to know about the H1 status and in the mean time, If I need to travel to India for any emergency reason, will there be any issue at that time while traveling outside the country ? 

Kindly let me know. Thanks again for your response earlier.

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