Divorce after GC


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My husband and I got married in December 2008 in US. We both got our GC at the same time in 2011 and expires in 2021(I got it through him). I think I am going to end up in a divorce. Things were manageable until my in-laws came and lived with us for 6 months. They have left now but the aftermath is too much to recover from. I have just come to know that he might not be willing to put in the effort to save our marriage. I am in a panic mode so now, I have started to think about my options.


Your replies are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. 


1. Will I loose my GC if he files for a divorce?

2. Can he cancel my GC?

3. Can I apply for citizenship? When?

4. Can I file for divorce in India? or is it better to do it in US?


Thank you for reading and thanks to those who took the time to reply. If there is any other info you think will benefit me in this situation regarding the GC and divorce please let me know.


Thank you very much!




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As far as your permanent residency (green card) goes, you can relax, as it is yours and yours alone.  While your application for permanent residency was based on your husband's application, the permanent residency visa itself is not.  You would not loss your permanent residency if you husband files for divorce, nor can he have it canceled, revoked, or otherwise effect it.  You can still apply for U.S. citizenship on the standard 5 year clock.  As for questions about a divorce itself, e.g. where to file, etc. those are for a divorce attorney to answer.

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 I have just come to know that he might not be willing to put in the effort to save our marriage.


4. Can I file for divorce in India? or is it better to do it in US?


the two above are contradicting statements..


you are fine with other stuff..you can get a divorce here, but if it is not going to be mutual, better settle things in india..


little bit wit is all that is needed to handle in-laws instead of riding on high emotions and egos..applies to both parties..

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