Status current No AC 21 filed


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Please help me  for the following questions.


My status is current EB3 July 2003. Have been working with EAD since 2007 , changed two employer a year back  but no AC 21 filed.


Can you please clarify the following ?


1. will I get any RFEs ?


2. Is it ok to file AC 21 now  or wait for RFE and then decide ?


3.  As I work for big 5, getting letter for any RFE is a big pain , what would we need to to incase if I could not get  letter or response from the employer timely manner  because of company process ? can I respond  to the query with the help of attorney ?


Thanks in Advance!


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My case is similar to yours.Changed three employers on EAD after leaving sponsoring employer but never filed AC-21.My 485 filed in 2007,EB3 category.Recieved an RFE right now on EVL.My PD became current.I am with third employer right now.In your case ,I think not filing an AC-21 is ok but need to justify if there is an RFE.


My question is do I need to obtain and provide EVL from all three ported employers or just the latest employer is ok.I need to answer an RFE and any advice/response would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance


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