Citizenship eligibility (Father is a citizen)


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Its a little complicated so wanted your advice.

- My father is a US citizen and my mother is not.

- My parents are now separated

- When I was born my parents were together and my dad was not a US citizen.

- I am over 18 years now and married.

- I am currently working in USA on H1B.

My father is willing to help me with my green-card or citizenship application, which ever is applicable.

Can he do that for me now?


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A US Citizen parent may sponsor a married child in the Family Third Preference. This is a backlogged category - depending on the country of birth, current priority dates are either 10 or 20 years old. Citizenship by transmission may be possible, but the rules are complex. It is advisable to contact a qualified immigration attorney to determine personalized options.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply. I have a couple of follow-up questions:

1. As I am in USA on H1B do I need to file both i130 and i485 at the same time?

2. If I file both the applications can I still go ahead with my employment based green card (When my company files)?

3. On USCIS website the processing times for my category of green card is set to mid-2012 i.e. almost 1 year behind (as per the above comment it should be 10 years). Can you please clarify why is it 10 years?


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