L1 to H1 - COS and F1


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Hi folks,

My husband is on L1-B Visa with company 'A' and we have been here in USA for almost 4 years and his L1-B visa is expiring during August 2013. He got L1 to H1 conversion and COS with a consultancy firm on Oct 2012, but is still working for Company 'A'.

How far is it safe to stay on L1-B? And if we decide to move back to L1-B from H1 is it fine to re-enter US with L1-B I-94? or will they have his H1-B on records? In case, we go back to our home country for a year and come with a new H1 B, is it going to be an issue to apply for GC?

There is another situation here... I am on F1 and my OPT is expiring on April 2013, is it fine to stay here til August 2013 without applying for OPT extension?

We are in a confused state here! Please help..



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