H4 to H1B conversion: Travelled to India on the date of H1B application, back in U.S before approval


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We applied for my wife's H1b visa through her employer.

This is the chronological order of events for easy reference.

  1. Aug 26th, 2011: We ( me and my wife) entered U.S for the first time on my H1b and her H4 dependent visa.
  2. March 14th, 2012: My wife travels out of U.S to India.
  3. May 25th, 2012: My wife’s H1B application is filed by her employer with I-94 from her first entry.
  4. June 20th, 2012: My wife enters back U.S and has a different I94 than the one we applied her H1B with.
  5. Dec 17th, 2012: My wife's H1B is approved, however the approval notice does not have new I-94 information and also mentions that "they may depart United States and apply for a proper visa at a consulate abroad".

Our question here is, since my wife is already in U.S, does she really have to go back to Chennai to get her visa stamped before she can start working on H1b? Is there a way to amend or change the approval to include her new I94.

Thanks & regards,


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