Derivative green crad

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My wife and I are seperated and divorce is finalized. I recently received my green card. No paper work (related to green card) was ever filed on behalf of my wife as my dependent. What steps should I take now to make sure that she can't file as a dependent and to cancel any application she may have filed as my dependent (either to extend H4 or for green card). How should I let USCIS or any other authorities know that we are seperated?

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I don't want her to get any immigration related benefit based on my status especially since the divorce is already granted. I haven't filed any immigration related paper work for her on my behalf. But I am not sure if she filed any for herself (using my status). If there are any pending applications filed for her (based on my status), I want those cases to be denied since we the divorce is granted.

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I have moved on with my life despite her criminal activities against me (read that word again, criminal activities!). I don't need life advice from you/anybody else. If you have something to contribute to my original question, please reply. If not, please don't bother to reply and definitely don't give me advice on how to run my life.

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Someone on a dependent visa (spouse, child) cannot file for any immigration status or visa for themselves based on your status. The primary beneficiary is the only one who can file for a dependent status or visa such as a derivative permanent residency (green card). Further, your divorce terminated the dependent relationship. In other words, you are worrying about northing.

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