H4 interview -possible TAL admin delay at chennai consulate


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Hello ,

I attended H4 visa interview with my husband at chennai consulate on Sept 26th 2012.When we reached the counter the VO asked me (H4 applicant) "Do you have any experience in pharmaceutical chemsitry" ? I am on H4 and studing PharmD with a reputed university .The officer asked only few questions to my hsuband and approved the H1B visa for him .The VO told me my visa is approved(H4) but need some admin check required .she handed over the famous 221g PINK slip and asked me to submit the details to VFS office .Its been 3 weeks and there is no response from them yet .I see the case status is "pending process" .They also kept my passport at consulate .My husband is back in US and i am waiting for the admin process to finish .Does anyone have any experience like this ? It looks like a TAL delay in my case .Is there anyway we can get some update by calling or emailing somebody .

Thanks in advance

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