H1 to H4 and back to H1


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I hold a Masters degree in Civil Engineering and am currently working full-time for a Civil Engineering firm. I have a H1B visa with my current employer that is valid till Oct 2014. I got married recently and I am not able to find a similar job at my husband’s place. So, I am planning to quit my job and move to a H4 visa on my husband’s H1B. From other posts in the forum, I understand that in the future if I get a new job offer with an employer willing to sponsor my H1B, I can start working again and move from H4 to H1B status again without being subjected to the cap again.

My first question here is, can you please throw some light if the above is valid only if I find a similar job as that of my current one? Or in other words, during my transition from H1B to H4 and back to H1B, is it acceptable to have both the H1Bs in different engineering fields and still be exempt from cap when I file the new H1B (the first H1B being in civil engineering and a new H1B may be IT)?

Secondly, is a H1B to H1B transfer going to be any less challenging technically when compared to a H1B to H4 and back to H1B again? Or are they going to be the same as long the employer is willing to sponsor my new H1B in both the situations?

Thank you so much!

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