Job Offer with EB-3 processing: Should I accept the job??


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Hi All,

I have been working full time from the last 5 years in an engineer role after completing my MS. I recently completed my MBA(Part-time) and I got a full time offer this week. Before accepting the offer I wanted to confirm about green card processing and they mentioned that they can apply through EB-3 as the job requirement is only bachelors + 4yrs of work experience.

I have asked them if they can change the job description to add Masters degree, but they said that its not possible.

Now the ball is in my court and they are pushing me to let them know if I am accepting the offer. What should I do now. Can you please suggest me any ideas that they can apply me through EB-2.

FYI: I am in Manufacturing industry and it is very hard to get green card. Also I am not seeing positive results in my job search with MBA.

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