H1B after 1 year 3 months post 221g


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Hello All,

I am going to write a long post here. But worth reading for all those people who are currently stuck with 221g. Below is my experience :

1) In April 2011 - came to India for a vacation. I am a resident of Mumbai, but since Mumbai consulate was shut that time, took my H1B visa renewal interview date 8th April 2011 @ New Delhi Embassy. My passport, I 797 with the LCA was kept with the Embassy. ( So all those people who try to judge a positive or negative from the color of slip or passport being retained or not, please stop stratching your brains, coz there is no correlation from these things).

2) Got 221g green with employer related docs asked to be submitted. Well for my 1st time H1B interview in 2009 I had got a 221g & that got cleared in 3 months time. ( So if people who think once a 221g then always a 221g, in 80 % of cases thats true)

3) Submitted the docs by the end of April 2011 & from then the wait game began. Till July 2011, almost same set of docs were asked 2 more times & we submitted them again. (Your employer needs to be supportive to keep submitting almost the same set of docs for 2-3 times, in my case each time they asked one additional document).

4) My employer contacted the Senator in the mean while & end of July 2011, got to know that my case was sent back to USCIS. Through out this period I was not able to track the case number on the Embassy website.

5) In Aug 2011, USCIS received my case & status was updated on their website.

6) In mid Sep 2011, I got my passport with the I 797 back. Ofcourse no stamp. I was super disappointed & thought its the end of the world for me. My employer was still hoping that we will get the visa. But I had lost hopes till now. Till this time & even beyond, I was paying my cell phone bills ( reduced rate suspension charges) & was paying bills for storage house. I then moved my stuff from storage post to a friend's place. ( You need to have supportive friends back in the US who will help you manage your stuff).

7) One week later, I rcvd a standard denial letter - stating that your employer is unable to offer a job to you, case sent back to USCIS. ( I have used the word standard here, coz during this time many people who gave interview around my time, received such denial letters, only difference was the date on the letter, Embassy location & applicants name).

8) My employer was still hoping that we will get a clearance. In the mean while, I started looking out for jobs in India & finally started working here in India from Nov 2011. This is the best thing to do during your wait period, otherwise one can get very frustrated.

9) I was simultaneously planning for change of employer for new h1, but most of the employers said there is a 221g fever in India & since you are already on 221g & case sent back to USCIS, we cant guarentee you a visa. I didnt want to start off my wait period all over again & trusted that my current employer is working towards it.

10) In Feb 2012, my employer rcvd NOIR & he responded to it.

11) In Mar 2012, case re affirmed & employer rcvd new I 797 in April 2012.

12) I wrote to the VFS to ask what is the next step. They replied that I have to attend a re interview at the Embassy at any given day 8 am in morning. I asked if could attend in Mumbai, since thats my resident city, but their reply was - in dat case you will have to book a fresh appointment. I decided not to do that & went to New Delhi for the re - interview end of May 2012.

13) Got 221g green again this time with same docs as submitted before in 2011.

Do read the deatils of the re- interview which went on for more than 30 mins.

Me- Good mrng

Vo- good mrng, can I have ur passport

Me- gave the passport with the new i 797

Vo - dont you have any letter which has ur bar code

Me - I was gonna show him my old apptment letter from my file, he saw the old 221g green & said " Is that what you got from us. Give me that"

Vo - I will have to call you back again. so please wait for a while

Me - ok

I was called back after 15-20 mins. In the mean while, the vo took 5--6 interviews - denied half of them & half approved. So I couldnt make any judgement about him (expect for the fact, that he was a very humble, soft spoken person & well looked cute too & had a nice dimply smile)... Yes this is exactly what I was thinking minutes before the interview, rather than being tensed about what will happen @ the interview. Then I was called back.

Vo - sorry to keep you waiting.

Me- its ok

Vo - actually since you have been here before(2011), I just needed to retrieve your case number & bar code. could you brief me with your case. So whc cmpy do you work for?

Me - answered

Vo - whr is ur cmpy located

Me - answered

Vo - so you work @ this location

Me - no I work for this cmpy @ a client

Vo - which client do u work for

Me - I named 2 clients

Vo - can you go slow with these names

Me - again repeated the names

Vo - so what do the clients do & where are they located

Me - explained

Vo - how much does your compy charge from the clients

Me - I dont know

Vo - what is ur salary

Me - mentioned as per lca & the letter to the consulate which my employer had written

Vo - why is this letter addressed to mumbai consulate & you are here at New Delhi

Me - explained him that I had my 1st interview here & we thot this time I would be able to go to Mumbai

Vo - so you have been working before for this cmpy, for how many years

Me - mentioned the duration

Vo - can you describe me your usual working day

Me - I start at 9.00 am, then abc...... & end at xyz time

Vo - oh this sounds too exhaustive & more than 8 hours a day

Me - no its not

Vo - so how many hours a week do u work

Me - as I said previously (very polite & with a smile)- I work 8 hours a day, for 5 days a week which makes it 40 hours a week

Vo - who is your supervisor, whats his name, designation, does he supervise others too & where does he sit

Me - answered

Vo - how many employees are in your cmpy

Me - answered

Vo - how many of them are americans

Me - I dont know, coz my employer doesnt disclose this & I have not asked any one about it

Vo - who is longest employee w.r.t years working with your employer

Me - I am not sure if I have thourough knowledge of that

Vo - how come you dont know that, you guys dont talk about that. He was smiling. He pointed out to a person inside & said he is working here since abc years & I know that

me - I know 2 people who are with this cmpy for 2.5 yrs

Vo - do you have W2 for 2011

me - yes, showed it to him & he asked me for 2010, showed that too. He said he wanted to take a copy of these & while returning with the copies, he carried a fresh 221g green with him & was ticking some thing in it. I thought he is making notes for himself

Vo - how did you hear about job from this employer

Me - one of my seniors worked here, she informed me & then saw ads on craigslits & job engines too

Vo - do you have a license to practice & how did you get it ( I am a physical therapist & hence that question)

Me - Yes, passed the NPTE exams

Vo - can I have a look at the license

Me - showed that to him & he took a copy of that too

Vo - What is ur vacation schedule like

Me - 2 weeks paid vacation

Vo - so did you get a vacation in 2011 & when

Me - yes, I came to India in April 2011 & then cam for the interview & ( I left this sentence incomplete)

Vo - Do you have a client letter with you

Me - No, but there is a contract included. So he wrote on the green 221g contract included

Vo - I will have to ask you to submit these docs to me

Me - I asked which ones, he showed me the ones he had marked on the 221g

Me - But we have already submitted it before

Vo - When

Me - In 2011 & successively as & when they were asked

Vo - I understand that but as per federal laws we need to have a fresh copy of it within last 6 months period. So even if you have submitted them in 2011, we will need them again.

Vo - do u need your passport or should we keep it

Me - you can keep it with you. I confirmed - So you are keeping both my new & old I 797, my passport & the whole bunch of documents

Vo - Yes

Me - Thanks & have a good day

Vo - You too

So got a 221g green again this time for re-interview.

On 9th July 2012 (10 days after my re-interview), I got an email from VFS saying your passport is ready for collection &

on 10th July 2012, got my passport back with the visa stamped till the end of the petition (2013). No docs submitted.

Today, 11th July 2012, my employer called me saying that we had again contacted the Senator's office & they called the Embassy. Embassy responded sayin that do not send the documents till we contact you further.

Finally my long wait is over. I want to share something very important here with all the sufferers. After my 1st interview I was dejected & had lost all hopes. I started working in India from Nov 2011, still paying my bills in the US. All my friends & relatives would ask me, whats with your visa processing & all I could say is - admin processing is still on :(

Some time in March 2012, my friend gifted me a book " THE SECRET" by Rhonda Byrnes. I started reading it a couple of days before my visa interview. The Secret says - if you want some thing ask for it in a positive way, think you already have it & then you will receive it, coz the whole universe will make it happen for you.

I started behaving the same way, till now I was saying why dont I have the visa & then I told myself - I am sure I will have the visa. I started visualizing that I am wandering on the streets of New York after getting the visa. Infact on the day of my re-interview, when the VO told me I will have you called back later, I was telling myself, I know that you are gonna grant the visa then why do u want me to wait. He handed me the 221g & I said to myself - why are you doing this, when you are going to grant the visa. I know it for sure, this time I have the visa with me.

On 9th July, when I got the email, till then the only conversation I had with my employer was - sending him the 221g scanned copy & he responded we will give a very strong response. After seeing the vfs email, I told my parents, what if the visa is stamped in the passport & my parents asked me - does this ever happen. All I told them was - it doesnt happen usually but in my case it will happen.

All I am trying to say here, I followed THE SECRET... I am sure things worked out for me & atleast it changed the way I was looking at life.

Thank you all for reading my post so patiently. If you have the patience to read my story, you definitelty have the patience to wait for your visa too. I am sure reading this post, must have raised your hopes. Now that your hopes are raised again, dont let this spirit die, go buy a copy of the book "The Secret" & follow it. I am sure it will work.

In the past 1 year & 3 months, I have researched a lot about 221g, made new friends who are 221g sufferers. If anyone needs any help, drop me an email on my email address mentioned on my profile & I will be more than happy to help you.


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I got 221-G white, and passport was return to me..

Hi Ajay,

Is this ur 1st time H1B ? Also if they have given u a 221g, they must have asked for some docs from you. DO submit them & wait till you hear back from the Embassy.

If you need any more help post me on my email add & I shall be happy to assist you. Hope you wait ends soon...

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congrats !!!!

and many thanks for your post

Thanks a lot h1.. Many people write posts to ask questions but once they get the visa, people forget to write their experiences. Wait back to hear my story at the POE too... Good luck to you if you are waiting in the 221g trap..

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Hey Tejal,

That's a wonderful news. Congrats and salute to your dedication. You never lose hope during this time. These are the things that let us get going. :)

I will save your Email address for future reference too. Just in case you know ;)

Thanks IlovemyIndia, are you also stuck with 221g ? I am sure my story will help you keep going thru this phase...Definitely you can save my email address.. Good luck to you once again.

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Many congratulations Tejal. I had the idea that Physical Therapists are in demand and the H1B Visas for PTs is generally no problem. This story of yours will change my mind now. hmmm.. But Congrats. You got it in the end.


Thanks nineballs... Well I am not the only Physical Therapist who has had this issue. There are many others whom I know who have had the horrible 221g experience. So its not all a rosy bed for the medicos... Good luck to you if you are waiting in this trap.. Hope this ordeal ends soon for you...

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Thanks for the reply dude, did your employer maintained EE relationship with you? And did you changed the projects after the petition approval?

Yes EE relation is & was alwez maintained. My case & employer is a genuine one.. Hence we got through.. All rules followed & everything as per law. Nope I didnt change any projects.

There are many others who are stuck coz they have not maintained the EE relation with some employee's of theirs & hence people suffer.

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Hi Tejal,

In feb 2012, I came to india. Since visa stamping was due, I visited American Consulate at Mumbai. VO asked me about dozen questions related to work and client, one after the other. At the end, issuing 221g, VO kept I-129, LCA and H1 petition.. He said he will need to review all documents and if anything is required he will reach out to my employer and/or lawyer.

Two weeks after above incident, I got an email update saying my case is moved to Kentuky Consular Center and if there's any need for further documents, they will reach out to my employer and/or lawyer. but, neither there's any update on my case status nor my employer/lawyer are contacted for any information/document. Its been 6 months now but there is no update.

Please advice me on this.


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Hi Tejal,

In feb 2012, I came to india. Since visa stamping was due, I visited American Consulate at Mumbai. VO asked me about dozen questions related to work and client, one after the other. At the end, issuing 221g, VO kept I-129, LCA and H1 petition.. He said he will need to review all documents and if anything is required he will reach out to my employer and/or lawyer.

Two weeks after above incident, I got an email update saying my case is moved to Kentuky Consular Center and if there's any need for further documents, they will reach out to my employer and/or lawyer. but, neither there's any update on my case status nor my employer/lawyer are contacted for any information/document. Its been 6 months now but there is no update.

Please advice me on this.


Hi Tailorv,

Very sorry to hear that you too were subjected to 221g. One good thing about your case is it got sent to the KCC in a very short span. Are you sure your case is with KCC i.e returned to the USCIS. Check your i 797 case status on USCIS website. Just confirm that the information you received as the email is true or not. Many a times people have been informed that the case has been sent, but the case hasnt reached the KCC. If the USCIS website shows that your case is returned on abc date, then you should atleast give 2 to 6 months for them to review the case. In the mean while keep contacting the USCIS thru ur lawyer or senator. Your lawyer / employer should get an NOIR to which they respond - so that case can be re affirmed.

There can be a possibility that your case hasnt reached USCIS, in that case ur lawyer or senator should contact the consulate, with reference of the email you received to ask the status of your case.

Hope this helps you. If you still have doubt & havent understood feel free to drop in an email on my address mentioned in the profile.

Good luck to you & hope this ordeal ends soon for you.

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Congratulations Tejal....

Hello All,

I am going to write a long post here. But worth reading for all those people who are currently stuck with 221g. Below is my experience :

1) In April 2011 - came to India for a vacation. I am a resident of Mumbai, but since Mumbai consulate was shut that time, took my H1B visa renewal interview date 8th April 2011 @ New Delhi Embassy. My passport, I 797 with the LCA was kept with the Embassy. ( So all those people who try to judge a positive or negative from the color of slip or passport being retained or not, please stop stratching your brains, coz there is no correlation from these things).

2) Got 221g green with employer related docs asked to be submitted. Well for my 1st time H1B interview in 2009 I had got a 221g & that got cleared in 3 months time. ( So if people who think once a 221g then always a 221g, in 80 % of cases thats true)

3) Submitted the docs by the end of April 2011 & from then the wait game began. Till July 2011, almost same set of docs were asked 2 more times & we submitted them again. (Your employer needs to be supportive to keep submitting almost the same set of docs for 2-3 times, in my case each time they asked one additional document).

4) My employer contacted the Senator in the mean while & end of July 2011, got to know that my case was sent back to USCIS. Through out this period I was not able to track the case number on the Embassy website.

5) In Aug 2011, USCIS received my case & status was updated on their website.

6) In mid Sep 2011, I got my passport with the I 797 back. Ofcourse no stamp. I was super disappointed & thought its the end of the world for me. My employer was still hoping that we will get the visa. But I had lost hopes till now. Till this time & even beyond, I was paying my cell phone bills ( reduced rate suspension charges) & was paying bills for storage house. I then moved my stuff from storage post to a friend's place. ( You need to have supportive friends back in the US who will help you manage your stuff).

7) One week later, I rcvd a standard denial letter - stating that your employer is unable to offer a job to you, case sent back to USCIS. ( I have used the word standard here, coz during this time many people who gave interview around my time, received such denial letters, only difference was the date on the letter, Embassy location & applicants name).

8) My employer was still hoping that we will get a clearance. In the mean while, I started looking out for jobs in India & finally started working here in India from Nov 2011. This is the best thing to do during your wait period, otherwise one can get very frustrated.

9) I was simultaneously planning for change of employer for new h1, but most of the employers said there is a 221g fever in India & since you are already on 221g & case sent back to USCIS, we cant guarentee you a visa. I didnt want to start off my wait period all over again & trusted that my current employer is working towards it.

10) In Feb 2012, my employer rcvd NOIR & he responded to it.

11) In Mar 2012, case re affirmed & employer rcvd new I 797 in April 2012.

12) I wrote to the VFS to ask what is the next step. They replied that I have to attend a re interview at the Embassy at any given day 8 am in morning. I asked if could attend in Mumbai, since thats my resident city, but their reply was - in dat case you will have to book a fresh appointment. I decided not to do that & went to New Delhi for the re - interview end of May 2012.

13) Got 221g green again this time with same docs as submitted before in 2011.

Do read the deatils of the re- interview which went on for more than 30 mins.

Me- Good mrng

Vo- good mrng, can I have ur passport

Me- gave the passport with the new i 797

Vo - dont you have any letter which has ur bar code

Me - I was gonna show him my old apptment letter from my file, he saw the old 221g green & said " Is that what you got from us. Give me that"

Vo - I will have to call you back again. so please wait for a while

Me - ok

I was called back after 15-20 mins. In the mean while, the vo took 5--6 interviews - denied half of them & half approved. So I couldnt make any judgement about him (expect for the fact, that he was a very humble, soft spoken person & well looked cute too & had a nice dimply smile)... Yes this is exactly what I was thinking minutes before the interview, rather than being tensed about what will happen @ the interview. Then I was called back.

Vo - sorry to keep you waiting.

Me- its ok

Vo - actually since you have been here before(2011), I just needed to retrieve your case number & bar code. could you brief me with your case. So whc cmpy do you work for?

Me - answered

Vo - whr is ur cmpy located

Me - answered

Vo - so you work @ this location

Me - no I work for this cmpy @ a client

Vo - which client do u work for

Me - I named 2 clients

Vo - can you go slow with these names

Me - again repeated the names

Vo - so what do the clients do & where are they located

Me - explained

Vo - how much does your compy charge from the clients

Me - I dont know

Vo - what is ur salary

Me - mentioned as per lca & the letter to the consulate which my employer had written

Vo - why is this letter addressed to mumbai consulate & you are here at New Delhi

Me - explained him that I had my 1st interview here & we thot this time I would be able to go to Mumbai

Vo - so you have been working before for this cmpy, for how many years

Me - mentioned the duration

Vo - can you describe me your usual working day

Me - I start at 9.00 am, then abc...... & end at xyz time

Vo - oh this sounds too exhaustive & more than 8 hours a day

Me - no its not

Vo - so how many hours a week do u work

Me - as I said previously (very polite & with a smile)- I work 8 hours a day, for 5 days a week which makes it 40 hours a week

Vo - who is your supervisor, whats his name, designation, does he supervise others too & where does he sit

Me - answered

Vo - how many employees are in your cmpy

Me - answered

Vo - how many of them are americans

Me - I dont know, coz my employer doesnt disclose this & I have not asked any one about it

Vo - who is longest employee w.r.t years working with your employer

Me - I am not sure if I have thourough knowledge of that

Vo - how come you dont know that, you guys dont talk about that. He was smiling. He pointed out to a person inside & said he is working here since abc years & I know that

me - I know 2 people who are with this cmpy for 2.5 yrs

Vo - do you have W2 for 2011

me - yes, showed it to him & he asked me for 2010, showed that too. He said he wanted to take a copy of these & while returning with the copies, he carried a fresh 221g green with him & was ticking some thing in it. I thought he is making notes for himself

Vo - how did you hear about job from this employer

Me - one of my seniors worked here, she informed me & then saw ads on craigslits & job engines too

Vo - do you have a license to practice & how did you get it ( I am a physical therapist & hence that question)

Me - Yes, passed the NPTE exams

Vo - can I have a look at the license

Me - showed that to him & he took a copy of that too

Vo - What is ur vacation schedule like

Me - 2 weeks paid vacation

Vo - so did you get a vacation in 2011 & when

Me - yes, I came to India in April 2011 & then cam for the interview & ( I left this sentence incomplete)

Vo - Do you have a client letter with you

Me - No, but there is a contract included. So he wrote on the green 221g contract included

Vo - I will have to ask you to submit these docs to me

Me - I asked which ones, he showed me the ones he had marked on the 221g

Me - But we have already submitted it before

Vo - When

Me - In 2011 & successively as & when they were asked

Vo - I understand that but as per federal laws we need to have a fresh copy of it within last 6 months period. So even if you have submitted them in 2011, we will need them again.

Vo - do u need your passport or should we keep it

Me - you can keep it with you. I confirmed - So you are keeping both my new & old I 797, my passport & the whole bunch of documents

Vo - Yes

Me - Thanks & have a good day

Vo - You too

So got a 221g green again this time for re-interview.

On 9th July 2012 (10 days after my re-interview), I got an email from VFS saying your passport is ready for collection &

on 10th July 2012, got my passport back with the visa stamped till the end of the petition (2013). No docs submitted.

Today, 11th July 2012, my employer called me saying that we had again contacted the Senator's office & they called the Embassy. Embassy responded sayin that do not send the documents till we contact you further.

Finally my long wait is over. I want to share something very important here with all the sufferers. After my 1st interview I was dejected & had lost all hopes. I started working in India from Nov 2011, still paying my bills in the US. All my friends & relatives would ask me, whats with your visa processing & all I could say is - admin processing is still on :(

Some time in March 2012, my friend gifted me a book " THE SECRET" by Rhonda Byrnes. I started reading it a couple of days before my visa interview. The Secret says - if you want some thing ask for it in a positive way, think you already have it & then you will receive it, coz the whole universe will make it happen for you.

I started behaving the same way, till now I was saying why dont I have the visa & then I told myself - I am sure I will have the visa. I started visualizing that I am wandering on the streets of New York after getting the visa. Infact on the day of my re-interview, when the VO told me I will have you called back later, I was telling myself, I know that you are gonna grant the visa then why do u want me to wait. He handed me the 221g & I said to myself - why are you doing this, when you are going to grant the visa. I know it for sure, this time I have the visa with me.

On 9th July, when I got the email, till then the only conversation I had with my employer was - sending him the 221g scanned copy & he responded we will give a very strong response. After seeing the vfs email, I told my parents, what if the visa is stamped in the passport & my parents asked me - does this ever happen. All I told them was - it doesnt happen usually but in my case it will happen.

All I am trying to say here, I followed THE SECRET... I am sure things worked out for me & atleast it changed the way I was looking at life.

Thank you all for reading my post so patiently. If you have the patience to read my story, you definitelty have the patience to wait for your visa too. I am sure reading this post, must have raised your hopes. Now that your hopes are raised again, dont let this spirit die, go buy a copy of the book "The Secret" & follow it. I am sure it will work.

In the past 1 year & 3 months, I have researched a lot about 221g, made new friends who are 221g sufferers. If anyone needs any help, drop me an email on my email address mentioned on my profile & I will be more than happy to help you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tailorv,

Very sorry to hear that you too were subjected to 221g. One good thing about your case is it got sent to the KCC in a very short span. Are you sure your case is with KCC i.e returned to the USCIS. Check your i 797 case status on USCIS website. Just confirm that the information you received as the email is true or not. Many a times people have been informed that the case has been sent, but the case hasnt reached the KCC. If the USCIS website shows that your case is returned on abc date, then you should atleast give 2 to 6 months for them to review the case. In the mean while keep contacting the USCIS thru ur lawyer or senator. Your lawyer / employer should get an NOIR to which they respond - so that case can be re affirmed.

There can be a possibility that your case hasnt reached USCIS, in that case ur lawyer or senator should contact the consulate, with reference of the email you received to ask the status of your case.

Hope this helps you. If you still have doubt & havent understood feel free to drop in an email on my address mentioned in the profile.

Good luck to you & hope this ordeal ends soon for you.

The status was pending till yesterday and today it says refused in DOS visa status site.

Case Creation Date: 13-Apr-2012 Response Date: 20-Jul-2012

Your application was refused. Please see the letter or other instructions you received at the interview.

What should i do now?

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The status was pending till yesterday and today it says refused in DOS visa status site.

Case Creation Date: 13-Apr-2012 Response Date: 20-Jul-2012

Your application was refused. Please see the letter or other instructions you received at the interview.

What should i do now?

Hi Just to reconfirm call up the DOS & check out what response they give you.. Good luck..

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  • 3 weeks later...


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