H1 B Petition


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Company A has filled a petition for me in dec2010 and it got approved and I got the visa stamped in jan2011.

However I was not able to travel due to personal and family emergency at that time and have been in india since then and had not traveled to US so don't have any pay stubs etc.

Now another company B is interested in sending me on H1-B but the cap is over on june 11 2012 so they may not be able to file a new petiton.My question is :

1.Can the previous petition be used which was filed in dec 2010 to file a new pettion for company B .

2.Will it be possible to file the new petition to company B even if company A has revoked its petition as I have no information on if that was canceled /revoked ?

3.How can I verify if the pettion was revoked ?

Thanks for ur help.

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