Need immediate help!

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I'm in the following situation:

I'm working on a H1B work visa and have been told by my employer that I'll be laid off in the next 3 months. I was already planning to get married to my girlfriend of past two years, who is also a US Citizen later on this year but am thinking of getting married in the courthouse now. I have the following questions -

* How long does it take to get a work permit, travel authorization and green card if filed through the marriage based route. Will getting married now and filing for permanent residence through marriage based route help me stay in the country?

* In case I get married now in city hall and don't have an Indian wedding, will this cause my application to be denied? We've been going around for over 2 years and have a lot of details to prove that the relationship is not just for the purpose of getting a green card. But the wedding in city hall will be rushed because of my employment situation.

Any help around these issues will be greatly appreciated.


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"* How long does it take to get a work permit, travel authorization and green card if filed through the marriage based route. Will getting married now and filing for permanent residence through marriage based route help me stay in the country?"

Around 3-4 months for EAD/AP after applying and about 6-8 months for the Gc. Once your papers including AOS are on file before you are out of status you are allowed to stay and then work on EAD and travel on AP until the GC arrives.

You can get married any legal way. Now please spend some money and involve a Lawyer proactively so that there are no issues and you get the Gc in the shortest time after Marriage and the application.

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Thank you for your response! What does AOS mean? Do you mean once my papers for permanent residence, EAD/AP are filed I can stay based on the application submission receipt and awaiting response status even though my H1B is not valid? I'll get an attorney to file once we get married. Thanks again for your help!

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