Medicaid for US Born Kid of H1B Parents


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My friend is currently on an H1B visa and his son is US US-born kid who was recently diagnosed with a chronic disease, which requires at least 2-3 years of treatment, He already has UHC that may not cover all the amount for the treatment.  As suggested in the hospital, he applied for Medicaid for the kid and it got approved after 6 months.

The question is can he use Medicaid for his son as he is on an H1B visa? I am seeing different answers on Google as they may impact GC or H1B.

Can someone answer this please, it's a big help for him at this moment if he knows if he can use Medicaid or not? so that He wants to think about all other options.


Thank you so much!!

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Yes, I have asked the same question 🙂 but they said they in the application they verified for applicant's income, as the kid is 4 years old it's zero. Moreover, they took my friend's SSN and other documents also. May be its depends upon the state-by-state rules, and finally, it got approved. He has good insurance, but since Jan 1st they are taking that hospital from in-network which results in paying more than what we pay generally for in-network. And for the next 2 years, it will be very difficult to manage out-of-network bills.

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23 hours ago, _jaswanth7_ said:

Yes, I have asked the same question 🙂 but they said they in the application they verified for applicant's income, as the kid is 4 years old it's zero. Moreover, they took my friend's SSN and other documents also. May be its depends upon the state-by-state rules, and finally, it got approved. He has good insurance, but since Jan 1st they are taking that hospital from in-network which results in paying more than what we pay generally for in-network. And for the next 2 years, it will be very difficult to manage out-of-network bills.

This doesn't sound right. If that were the case, someone who makes a million dollars a year could enroll their no-income child in Medicaid, which is absurd. Since the child is a tax dependent, their household for Medicaid purposes is the household of the person they are a dependent of (i.e. the parents).

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