Change in nationality after H1B Approval


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Hi. I registered and filed petition when I am an Indian citizen. My nationality will be changed to Canada in a few weeks. What should I do to modify the H1B application to reflect this? (India doesn't allow dual citizenship, so I have to surrender my passport after 3 months)

I may take a while to get the Canadian passport, is it legal to use the Indian passport for the visa stamping before surrendering it?

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If you will be entering the US before becoming a Canadian citizen, you would use your Indian passport (which requires having a valid H1b visa if you don't already have one). After becoming a Canadian citizen, you need to get a Canadian passport to enter the US, since you are no longer an Indian citizen. You do not need an H1b visa on your Canadian passport. Canadian citizens do not need US visas to enter the US in most nonimmigrant statuses. You would simply travel to any US port of entry on your Canadian passport, and present the same documents that nationals of other countries would present at a US consulate to get a visa (e.g. for H1b, you would present your H1b petition approval) to be admitted directly into H1b status without a visa.

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