New rule about US Citizen Children born abroad


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On 9/1/2019 at 1:08 PM, corinne0721 said:

In what circumstances would a child born outside of the United States to a US Citizen parent not qualify to obtain his / her citizen status?

If the US citizen parent did not meet the requirements to transmit US citizenship to a child born abroad at the time of the child's birth. (Specifically, for a child born to 2 US citizen parents, either parent has to have had a residence in the US at some point before the child's birth. For a child born to 1 US citizen parent and 1 alien parent, the US citizen parent has to have been physically present in the US for a cumulative total of 5 years before the child's birth, including 2 years after turning 14.)

Also note that just because a child currently has a US citizen parent, does not mean that the child was born to a US citizen parent -- 1) the child could have been born before the parent was a US citizen, or 2) the child could have been adopted.

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