Fail to provide accurate information in N400 interview


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I had my N400 interview  and interview went well until officer question me about my previous marriage (my green card is based on I-360 Battle spouse application). I was quite nervous and was not able to provide some accurate answers about my 1st marriage like separation date and how we met at 1st time…etc. (it was a quite painful marriage and it has been 6 years since we separate) I am married again now and sponsor green card on my wife (I-130 approved and waiting on visa date)

The officer claim decision can’t make now and request to submit my 1st marriage divorce papers (my Attorney sent overnight already)

What could be the next steps? Will officer request more supporting documents or decline my application? If that happen., would it impact my green card?

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Thank you so much for your respond. I raise the question from my lawyer and it seems she quite new for citizenship practice cases. She believes that should wait and hopefully nothing much to worry about it. I just curious to know the average time to get respond such cases?

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