Travel while H1B extension is pending


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My H1B visa is valid till Oct 23, 2017. My employer filed an extension on June 20, 2017. While the extension is in pending state, I travel to India(emergency) in Aug, 2017 for 2 weeks and back to US with a old visa and I got a new I-94 valid till Oct 23,2017.

Now I have few questions.

1. If my extension is approved, will I-94 will be attached to I797 or not, as my current I-94 is different than the one used while filing?

2. If Yes, Which I-94 will be valid. The one I received at POE or the one attached with I-797.

3. If I-94 is not attached, do I need to go for stamping and come back to US to get a new I-94?

4. What if my visa is not approved till Oct 23, 2017. Can I stay in US for another 240 days? ( I heard 240 days rule will not be applicable if you travel abroad while H1B extension is in pending  state)

Appreciate your help



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