Job Change after approval


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I am currently on F1 STEM OPT. My H1B was picked in this year's lottery and recently approved. My attorney had filed the petition under consular approval. This was because my OPT is valid till June 2018 and my job needs me to travel to Mexico frequently. I plan to get my H1B stamped in December.

I am planning to change my job soon. My new prospective employer is willing to wait a while for me to join but wants to know exactly when I can join. After getting my H1B stamped I will return to US and begin work in the first week of January. I know I can't change jobs before I am in H1B status, which in my case will be January. But how long do i have to wait before my new employer can file a cap exempt transfer? I have been employed at my current place for the last 2 years.



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