L1 and H1


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My cousin is working in India with employer X and he has got H1b Stamped with employer Y. He wanted to resign from employer X in india and join in USA with employer Y. However employer X offering L1 to my cousin to retain him so that he can travel to USA through employer X.

My questions are:

1. If he attend L1 visa interview through current employer , Will they cancel existing H1B when they issue L1?( He did not traveled yet to US using H1B but stamping is done very recently)

2. Can he transfer H1 visa from employer Y to employer X since he did not travelled yet to US and stamping is already done through employer Y?

3. Incase if he get's L1 and travelled through employer X, Can he change employer after a year using H1b in USA? 

Really appreciate your response!!



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1. They do not have to cancel existing visas.

2. Since the H1 visa stamp has been issued, it is certainly possible he is considered cap counted and can change H1 employers. But he needs to discuss specifics with an Immigration Lawyer as to whether this interpretation is still valid.

3. Subject to 2.

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