Suspension for 2 years on Student Visa


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Hello guys,

      This is Rushi. I ran into very serious problem in my life with the school. A girl from school filed a restraining order against me, and unfortunately I emailed her for little help for which she filed complaint and I got arrested for 3 days. After a while, the whole matter with court got resolved with charge of "PC 415 (2)". Unfortunately, the university picked up the matter and ended with the decision to suspend me for 2 years. I requested them since I only have Masters Project left for which I don't even have to be on campus often and they denied. 
       What options do I have, considering the fact that university will not change their decision. Please help me with this situation. I am literally lost and got my graduation extended and now suspension. I anyhow have to graduate by Dec 2017. Please do suggest if there is any solution. 

Thanks in advance.

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