Leaving accident scene not leaving contact information- Property damage to unoccupied parked vehicle


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I recently got a ticket for leaving accident scene without reporting on property damage. I lost focus when I was looking at my daughters discomfort and hit the other vehicle when backing up. I did not have pen or paper to leave a note. I came home and was calling insurance when the cops came to my home and gave me the ticket. The incident and cops coming to my home everything happened in 30 minutes.


In my arkansas state it is classified as criminal case. After getting the victims contact information, I called and apologized the vehicle owner.


I would like to understand the severity of this incident as I am H1B holder having my extension filed. It happened yesterday. Is there a posibility to discuss with officer not to appear in court?


Appreciate your timely help.




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Well you didnt damaged the car you damaged yourself your financial a bit and +++,,,, 


Try to speak with your local attorney first immediately ( usually its a free consultation. try multiple lawyers before you fix one , later they charge heftly though) . 


Once you give some work to cops here you cannt take back, but walk to the cops and explain your situation that your baby is not feeling well so you have to rush back to home or what ever your reason which they can show some sympathy,but onething you would have done, hopefully your car is insured fully with Liability coverage, why didnt you called the insurance straight away rather than leaving the scene and calling the insurance later/....


But dont worry from immigration point of view you didnt damaged or injured any humans so you can always backup and say I am not aware of the rules this is the first incident and will take care future and your extension should be fine if you attached the court verdict letter ( I am not sure though traffic hit and runs need to consider for the extensions), sadly you might incur some points on your driving license though good luck. 

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