Problem regarding OPT and Graduation, Need Advise


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Hi, I am a Masters Student and my field of major is Mechanical Engineering. I completed all my course work and also got my OPT card, my OPT start date is June 30th. 


At my university in order to graduate we need to pass a comprehensive examination, which I have failed twice. My Chair/Head of the department is not giving me another chance to write the exam, he is asking me to transfer the school or transfer to another department in my school. As I completed all the 12 subjects in my course with 3.15 GPA. If I am transferring to another department like industrial management, they are able to consider only 4 subjects to transfer. and if I am changing to another university, no university is able to transfer more than 8 to 10 credits that are 2 to 3 subjects.


Right now, I am not in a position to pay the fees for my transferring options. As OPT start date is just a month away, if I cancel that I don't know whether I will get OPT again.


So, give me some advice which is best for my situation.  

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