Question I-539 ( F1 Unpaid OPT --> COS H4)


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I am currently on F1 OPT and doing unpaid internship. It is valid till july 2016. 

My husband has 140 approved so I am planning to do COS to H4 and apply for H4 EAD. 


My question is what shall I ans for Q:19  in I-539 form 


"Have you,or other person included in this application being employed in the united states since last admitted or granted an extension or change of status. Yes/NO"


If I fill Yes, I need to provide salary slip (which I dont have). And filling No doesn't seem right as I have USCIS approved EAD. 


Will there be any problem if say yes and don't send salary slip. 

Anyone who has had a similar experience, can you please help me with you inputs? 


thanks in advance for your help. 


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