New STEM Extension Form-I983


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I'm working at "A" company(since Jan'2016) through "B" company. B company runs my payroll. Now according to the new rules of OPT Extension, Form I983 is required from employers. How can there be a training plan when I'm working on a project. Does this indirectly mean I cannot work through vendors? They don't provide any training. Please help me understand what's happening here with new training plan (I983). This only reduces opportunities for students and makes life difficult!

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I'm working at "A" company(since Jan'2016) through "B" company. B company runs my payroll. Now according to the new rules of OPT Extension, Form I983 is required from employers. How can there be a training plan when I'm working on a project. Does this indirectly mean I cannot work through vendors? They don't provide any training. Please help me understand what's happening here with new training plan (I983). This only reduces opportunities for students and makes life difficult!

I am also facing same issue, is their any resolution for this issue. DHS included several questions in i-983 form  which employer need to answer, how to face this?

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But for contract jobs, they're present only to market the skill. Most of them are reluctant to put in more effort to hire mentors and infrastructure. So does this mean it's not possible to work on contract jobs?


Then don't work for a consulting company, in particular not for shady consulting companies with middle vendors.

For OPT, the job has to be related to the degree. Period.

There are lots and lots of career fairs at universities where real companies have booths. There really is no need to go with some shady consulting company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Then don't work for a consulting company, in particular not for shady consulting companies with middle vendors.

For OPT, the job has to be related to the degree. Period.

There are lots and lots of career fairs at universities where real companies have booths. There really is no need to go with some shady consulting company.

How many companies are ready to offer sponsorship, I have attended  many career booths when I was in school and also in bay area , I could see only these consultancies showing up there,  even in Indeed, we will see these guys ,posting a job opportunity  when we scroll down completely through the opportunity then we will get to know that it is a job offer by some consultancy.  A total 150 days of unemployment is allowed during opt and OPT stem .I have used to 100 days initially in  search of FTE nothing was positive in those 100 days, I got one opportunity where they are using some really really old technologies, some how I was disconnected with that opportunity. Nothing after that,  I don't have any prior experience back in my country did bachelors and Master's back to back. 


And like someone said a close friend of mine who is a  mechanical graduate is now working as a Full time  UI developer. 


I have background in computer engineering( Hardware) and interested in product development so far didn't get one call from product based companies. I  have  learned new software technologies and joined in some consultancy and started working for a project   which is closely related to my field , thanks to my curriculum!  and now the project has ended.I am still looking for FTE and close to finish the balance of 150 days.  I am left with 10 more days to apply for my STEM EXT,  don't know how to proceed  so decided to work on my own ideas.

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