H1B to H4 COS(i539) and H4 stamping


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There is a scenraio where i need some help and clarification in my wife's scneario.


She is on H1 and her assignment is getting over in 2 days. So we are plannig to apply her H4 via change of status i539 form bening in us.

I am aware that the COS approval takes time. But i have some question.


1. By when the COS form need to be sent to USCIS?

2. If during COS h1 to h4 processing time she went to India then she need to get a H4 Visa stamp, But What happens to the I-539 which is in process here ?

3. Do we need to explicitly cancel it or it becomes invalid if we move out of country? 

4. Is there a possibility that the i539 approval comes after she renter US on H4 visa stamp from India , so what happens in this scenario..


can someone help on this?



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