Is ptd the only option


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My wife is on h4 and she recently got misdamenor b ( shoplifting ) and the criminal attorney mentioned that ptd is the only best optIon.

Is there an option at all where the records can be expunged in uscis records or is it safe to say that there is no way to expunge records from uscis ?

When I asked him about direct dismissal, he said that it does not change anything as far as uscis is concerned.

Can someone let me know.

-help seeker

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Thanks for the prompt response

2 small follow up questions :

A) assuming expunsion hasn't happened yet, if my wife applies for a job in private sector, do they generally do the background check, or it would depend on company to company ?

B) what are the chances of getting h4 extension visa rejection given the fact that this was her first offense and she has been into the country for more than 9 years ?


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello how is your case proceeding?

We have an appointment with our attorney tomorrow, but what he told us on phone that prosecutor has agreed to dismiss our case with community service and a theft class.


Attorney did not mention anything on PTD. So i am not sure, is this a good news or bad news for us, since the case is getting dismissed ?

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