H1 stamping with Dry Reckless 3 Years back


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I am in my 10th year of H1b, planning to travel to India for stamping on 1st week of Feb. Below is my situation:


Have done stamping twice successfully at Chennai consulate and on November 10th 2012, i was arrested for DUI in California and later was convicted on lowest charge - "dry reckless" on Jan 16th 2013. I paid all fines, successfully completed 2 years probation that ended last year Jan 2015 and also successfully expunged the case in March 2015.  Have no other violation or record.


This is my first time travelling to India for stamping since the conviction. I obtained the court certified disposition for my case. 


Questions are


1. Do i have to obtain any other document other than certified disposition document?

2. Is there any issue based on conviction during the stamping? Based on forums, i see that people with convictions get 221g with medical eval. Do i also have to go through the same process?


Also i read that if you are beyond the 3 year conviction which i am, in this case, you will not be directed to 221g with medical eval. how far is this true? 


Please help, really appreciated.

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