Travel to India, while on FMLA


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Hi All, 


Due to a family emergency (my mom is very sick), I have to spend 2-3 months in India . I have a stamped H1B that expires on 2018.


My employers are very supportive, and they have asked me to take a leave of absence i.e. FMLA and travel to India.


I am wondering if I will have any issues during immigration, i.e. while coming back to the US?


As I will be on FMLA, I will have no pay checks - that is my understanding, that no paystubs will be generated while on fmla, please correct me if I am wrong. I will of course have my passport/visa, i797, etc on me. 


I am wondering If anybody here has travelled abroad on fmla/H1B ?

Can it be done safely ? Any advice is welcome




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