F1 to H1b first time stamping -Canada


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I came to USA for my MAsters on a student visa(F1) and applied for a H1B visa after graduating. The petition for H1b was approved earlier this year, I am planning on travelling to canada to get my first H1b stamping. I checked the website and it says -


  • "Evidence of qualifications must original or certified copy. Consular officers in Canada may refuse to issue a visa to H-1B applicants if their education and/or work experience is solely or predominantly from a country other than the U.S. or Canada.
  • Consular officers in Canada may refuse to issue a visa to first-time H1B applicants if the applicant's education and/or work experience is solely or predominantly from a country other than the United States or Canada. In the absence of U.S. or Canadian education or work experience, we strongly encourage you to apply from your country of residence"
  • Does this mean even though I have a fulltime degree from a University in USA and have worked here for over an year, they may refuse to issue the visa?

Thank you,


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