Visa stamping in Tijuana


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Hi All,


I am working in San Diego currently and I want to get my H1B visa stamped in Tijuana for me and my dependents (H4). When I came to US, I had a different employer.

My passport holds H1B visa from old employer which got expired this September.


Now I have changed my job and I need to travel outside US (but not anywhere near to India) for the job. So I need to get visa stamped from Mexico/Canada and Tijuana seems to be the best option from here.


I hope some of you have similar experience earlier. Please advice me on the following doubts:


  • Shall I take Mexico visa or permit issues at border for entering into Tijuana?
    • Do they allow permit even if my existing H1B visa got expired?
    • Can I apply for permit earlier to confirm if there is no issue and if issued then we can travel to Mexico?
  • As my sponsor got changed, is this would be treated as H1B renewal? I read somewhere only H1B renewal can be done in Mexico/Canada?
  • My daughter's passport is valid till next Feb, 2016. Does it make any difference while stamping visa?

I read many of the folks have good experience in Tijuana for stamping but I know this can vary case to case.

Considering my situation is there anyone done stamping similarly?

Any piece of advice will be highly appreciated.



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