L1-H1 six years calculation


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I just transferred my L1 to H1. I have following questions to calculate my six years.


- L1 approved on March 2012. I travelled to USA on Feb 2013 and worked in USA for 6 months and retruned to India on July 2013. Stayed in india and travelled again to USA on Dec 2014. Filed H1 petition and it got approved. Oct 1st 2015, started my H1. 


Questions :


1. Will my H1 validity six years count only the days i stayed in USA on L1 (or) it is calculated from the day my L1 got approved ?


2. My new H1 validity is Oct 2015 to Sep 2016 only. Online I-94 shows up with new I-94 record number. But admission type still shows L1 and I-94 validity also shows up L1 validity date that is Dec 2017.


3. Should i file H1 extension prior to Sep 2016 (or) i can continue my work in H1 if my I-94 has validity and file extension later.

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