How long before my current H1B expires can I travel back to US?


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My current VISA expires on 20 Feb, 2016 (with stamping) & I have plans to travel to India in Nov & return on 5-Dec-2015. How many days before the VISA expires can I travel on the same VISA? I am planning to initiate my H1B extension after returning back from India which will be 11 weeks before my VISA expires?

Are these dates fine for travel without any trouble an immigration? Thanks!!

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thanks jairichi.

Can u pls provide us more specific info on how long before the VISA expires, is it safe to travel as per policies? There is no change in company or location.


You can enter US anytime as long as visa and I797 is valid. If you have a H1B extension receipt you can travel even less than a month of visa expiry. Since you are traveling earlier than that you are fine.

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