PD date much earlier than expected


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I am not sure if to be happy with my situation or not .


My labour application went into audit and got approved after almost 19 months  . PD as told by my employer is in Aug  , 2013 .


After my perm got approved , I checked on dolstats.com for my case . As I didnt have case number so I searched by employer name and found the case . Mine is a small employer so I am sure that the case I pulled is mine with eductaion and address matching .


Interestingly on "Case Information" page , PD is mentioned as June , 2012.

Its more than a year earlier than expected . CaseId also starts with A-12*** suggesting its filed in 2012 .Matter of concern is that , on this date , I was not even working with this employer .


Shall I reach out to my employer to take the case ffd ?? Please suggest

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It is OK for case id to start with A-12. That number is generated when the  online questionnaire is started/downloaded. It can take time to fill it and submit.


You need to sign declaration page on approved labor so you can review the details at that time.

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