Travelling to US within 6 months of previous visit on visitors visa.


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My parents are coming to US on visitors visa and will stay here for for 5 months. They are planning to come again after 4 months. Will this cause any problem at port of entry because they are coming within 6 months? Is there any rule that there should be atleast 6 months gap between visits?


For any reason if they stop and question them at port of entry what should they do?


Any answer is greatly appreciated.



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Visitors should be more in their home country than in the US. If a visitor is most of the time in the US, it looks as if the person actually lives here, which isn't allowed for visitors.

A rule of thumb is to be at least twice as long at home than in the US. If your parents were in the US for 5 months, they should wait at least 10 months before visiting again.

If the officer at the POE gets the impression that they are violating the US immigration laws by living here more than abroad, they may get a shorter stay or get denied entry and sent back on the next plane.

I suggest that you not gamble with that.

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